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Solani- '113' X Sweet Mystery

Your Price: $18.40
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50 gram tins

Blend 113 (Aromatic) - A wonderful Virginia blend consisting of red sweet Virginias and broad bright Virginias from the best regions in the world. Virginia flake and double-fermented sweet black Cavenish have also been added. A pinch of black currant treated with Bacardi and CocoCream results in a mystic sweet taste with fantastic room aroma. Wildcut, cross-cut and broken flake are combined to make this blend cool burning, long lasting and memorable.

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Mysterious indeed.
Bob (Unknown) 5/19/2007 7:05 PM
A very strange pipe tobacco. It is extremely sweet and aromatic yet excedingly smooth. As you smoke this blend the flavors will change and mingle in new ways with each puff. When I've smoked this tobacco it has gotten tons of compliments including the mercurial way the scent will shift into new aroma combinations.
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Great Deal! Price per Single cigar